Thursday, May 2, 2013


In a huge battle to get certain agricultural poisons banned because of negative effects on bees; Europe has just passed laws banning their use.

Bee protection: US in spotlight as EU bans pesticides

This is not the end. More research and getting more issues ticked off the list is important. My hope is that the companies take this in their stride and push for more well rounded testing before they go to market with new products.

The question is if the USA will take a cue from this and step up to take their own action. It's all about people getting together and demanding change or at least answers.

We all live on the same planet, we share the air and water. Actions can carry consequences over the whole planet and acting like there are walls between us is ignorance.
Where to from here?

Education, for a start. Some how getting companies to take responsibility for their actions in the future while knowing they are normally just acting on what we press them to do.

We vote with our wallets. If all most companies care about is profit then so be it, we starve them. To bed with out supper, hehe. It's not always as hard as you think, just make a choice on a few products you know have negative impact on the environment (by their manufacture, use or disposal) and cut back or stop using them all together.

Talk. It's time we chatted with out being preachers. Friends, family and perhaps even the manager at your local store. Don't get angry, just drop hints and let the seeds grow. Many people care but don't have enough momentum alone to take action. If they have prior knowledge about some thing they are more lightly to help if some sort of action is presented to them.

Change and know that you are making a difference. Normally the impact is very small, but if you keep shrugging it off and saying that it won't matter because you are just one person NOTHING will ever change. It starts with a few small choices each day. Save a little here, give a little there. It seems like such a huge sacrifice to start with but soon its just the norm.

Finally, take every thing you read from EVERYONE (including me) with a pinch of salt and a healthy dash of research. We are all human and we bend and stretch things to get our point of view across. The grains of truth are there and some times it takes a bit of digging to hear the full story. Grind your teeth if you need to but always read both sides of the story with as open a mind as possible.

Our bees are one of many issues we ignore because they are so far away. The whole system of chosen ignorance will have us in trouble because some of the issues are much bigger than we imagine while every one with self serving interests chooses what they think we must see.
How did we get to this point?

It's all about how companies won't admit mistakes in billion dollar industries and how they have a way out when interest groups carefully frame issues to create targeted attacks. When groups do this they frame a single issue and tell certain companies or governments that the issue must be solved. The companies point out that there are many factors and their part in it can't be blamed.

This is a side effect of trying to point out specifics in the media arena. Perhaps the groups should have considered how to address the issues as a whole rather than try to hard hitting on one point at a time.
The answer was in how both sides of the argument carefully framed the issues.

Some authors pointed out 10 or more reasons that this pandemic was happening. The results were catastrophic no matter who or what was to blame.

Colony collapse disorder

It all began with an essay. Under consideration of environmental issues and the media's impact on our perceptions of them. I selected a topic which has vexed me for a whole but seemed so distant for some reason. The disappearances of bees in Europe and America.

Digging deeper and reading over 50 articles and sites gave me the distinct impression that it wasn't Africa's problem. No matter how much food we import from those regions it was hardly covered by local media while there was a frenzy over seas to get laws changed and coax action from the general public.

How could such a huge issue go unheeded by us on the dark top of Africa? If only to learn and change our ways before we fell into the same pit.